Life lessons

Is self-care selfish? Is it ok to say no and put up a ‘do not disturb sign’ on our door? What do you think?
Or another questions to ask would be: do I even have time for this? Shouldn’t I rather be doing
something else? Self-care isn’t selfish! If I don’t look after myself, nobody else will and I’ll eventually run out of energy. I want to set a good example to those around me. I’ve learnt to trust my intuition and sometimes just say no to things, people and commitments, hence saying yes to myself and yes to getting back into balance. When my batteries are recharged, I can help and inspire others.

Another way to think about things is that challenges can turn into opportunities and can reveal hidden blessings if we are able to trust life and keep an open mind. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow, welcome change and embrace the transformation. I personally believe that we’re never given anything we can’t handle. We are strong and any challenge is an opportunity for growth. So if self-care or a bit of time to reflect on your life’s decisions is what you need, go for it. You deserve some time for yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary.

Finally, I’d like to share that hugs help us feel safe, connected and cared for. Hugs have healing power and can even boost our immune system. When we hug someone we often feel calmer, comforted, less pain and more balanced and at ease. It’s like sharing our feelings and halfing the burden. Use the power of healing hugs. This is another aspect of self-care. Acknowledge it when you need space or when you need a hug. Give yourself permission to reflect, share, feel or just be. After all, we’re human beings not human doings. And sometimes, all we may need is a hug to feel better. Don’t be afraid to ask for it.

At the end of the day, you make the choices that will influence your life. Some choices deserve some reflection, pondering and even soundboarding them to others. Yet connecting to yourself will often give you answers that you know in your heart are right for you.

Thank you. Lots of love.


End of summer reflections

Summer is coming to an end. Autumn is around the corner. For many Sepember stands for new beginnings, a new school year, a new cycle. This might be a good time to look back at what we have achieved so far this year and to set new intentions and goals for the remainder of the year. If there’s something you’d like to work towards, make a plan, otherwise it’s just a wish.

What steps do you need to take to achieve your desired outcomes? Then schedule specific actions and put them into your diary. Also, be clear about the reason why this goal matters, this is a powerful motivation booster.

When looking back at the last few months, I noticed a few positive changes in my dog Charly. He seemed happier almost as if it had finally dawned on this lovely rescue pooch that he has really found his forever home. Somehow our bond is now even stronger. On 26th August is National Dog Day, so we went to celebrate and I donated to the Charity that rescued and brought us our Charly.

Finally, going back to setting intentions, taking actions and schedule them, I’ve done this and have scheduled my next two Reiki trainings in Eastbourne:
Reiki Level I takes place on 3rd-4th September and Reiki Level 2 Practitioner training takes place from 24th-25th September. If you’re interested, please get in touch.

Wishing you all a lovely bank holiday weekend. I hope you use the time for your own end of summer reflections and set intentions for the rest of the year.


Mental health and diet

Did you know that what you eat can influence how you feel, not just physically but also mentally?

I’m sure you’ve heard the common phrase ‘you are what you eat’ but have you ever really thought about it? If what we ingest becomes part of our physical body then perhaps it’s a good idea to pay more attention. You wouldn’t put the wrong or a very bad fuel into your car, would you? Well, our brain is part of the body and needs a certain amount of nutrients to function properly and produce neurotransmitters to make us feel balanced, such as dopamine and serotonin. If there’s too many toxins in our system (e.g. from bad food, stimulants or the environment, such as pollution), the body will need a lot of energy to deal with them and withdraws it from other non-life threatening areas. As a result we might feel tired, lethargic, anxious, depressed or are unable focus and concentrate and are not sleeping well.

For years I’ve been talking about a balanced diet with my clients, how to avoid the ‘blood sugar rollercoaster’ and how to feed your body and brain. Now, I’ve recently read a lot of studies and saw documentaries that claim a vegan diet can promote a better mental health. So, I thought I’d try this myself and experiment with this. For the last three weeks, I’ve been on a healthy vegan diet, have avoided all stimulants (sugar, coffee, alcohol), no processed food, I just made everything from scratch with whole foods. Apart from really enjoying the lovely smoothies, soups and vegan dishes I made, I’ve started noticing some interesting changes. I normally eat well anyway and feel relatively balanced, so I’ve not really been suffering from any particular issue, yet I’ve still noticed that I feel a lot more balanced, am able to cope much better with stress, I have loads of extra energy, more mental clarity and I sleep like a baby. It’s remarkable! I can’t remember the last time I had slept through the night without waking up at least 3-5 times. Now I sleep through most nights and feel refreshed and energised in the morning. I know not everybody is up for it and some people just can’t imagine a life without meat, fish, cheese or dairy, but I would certainly recommend trying something similar, even just for a couple of weeks as an experiment, and watch what happens. If you’ve got sleep problems, struggle with being tired or can’t concentrate at work, this might be the easiest way to get back into balance. Of course, if you are taking any medication, check with your doctor and see if they need to be adjusted.

Right, so I just wanted to share this little experiment of mine. I hope at the very least I’ve given you a bit of ‘food for thought’ (excuse the pun) and perhaps you can become a bit more aware of what you eat and how it makes you feel. If you suffer from cravings or emotional eating, get in touch. I’ve got some great techniques to overcome these.

Have a lovely day. Thanks for reading.

Lots of love,

Sandy x

Increase your energy

It can be easy to forget to take breaks and look after ourselves. We may feel we don’t have time or energy to do something else, even if it’s just self-care. The days are just too long and filled already. Sound familiar? Well, here’s the thing, if we keep giving and providing for others and ignore our own needs we will eventually end up feeling depleted. We can’t give what we don’t have. If everything we do already requires making an effort and we’re low in energy, then perhaps it is time to stop and find a way to increase our energy. Take a break, take a few deep breaths, daydream, stop and smell the roses. There’s alway going to be things on your to-do list. Don’t miss the precious moments, don’t lose yourself in the chores. Take time to nurture yourself.

There are many way to increase your energy. One way is to ‘cut your spending’. Less is more. Is every single chore really a top priority? Can anything wait or can you get someone to help you? Remember the saying “Life’s too short…” don’t get bogged down with the details, stop being a perfectionist. Just think for a moment, are these small things that take up so much of your time and energy still going to look important in a year from now?

One of the biggest things that take away our energy is negative emotions. We keep thinking about the past, are angry at people, events or even the weather and worry about the future. No wonder we feel low in energy. Learn techniques to let these thoughts and feelings go. This may be something as simple as writing things down in a journal so you don’t have to think about them anymore, do a breathing exercise, use EFT tapping to let things go or any other method that you find helpful. Or even just looking how easy it is for nature to let things go by watching the autumn leaves being released by the trees around us this time of the year.

Finally, a great way to increase your energy is to have an energy healing session, such as Reiki healing. The word Reiki is Japanese and means ‘Universal Life Force Energy’. A Reiki practitioner has been attuned by a Reiki Master and is therefore able to channel this specific universal healing energy and pass it on to the client which then activates their self-healing powers, creates balance and rejuvenates the person receiving it.

If you feel you don’t have the time to go to regular sessions, why not just spend one single weekend learning how it works and then you have a life time to recharge your own batteries with Reiki energy for self-healing whenever you need it. In fact, I’m running a Reiki training for self-healing next weekend in Eastbourne. If you’re in the area, feel free to sign up or register your interest for the next one:

Reiki Eastbourne

In summary, the best ways to increase your energy is to do less of what’s taking up your energy and is not important, to let go of energy robbing thoughts, feelings and patterns and do things that nuture you and help you feel good, such as daydreaming, enjoying moments in nature, hugging someone or count your blessings.

Thanks for reading. I hope you’ve found this helpful. Big hug, love and angel blessings.

Sandy x

Magical brain

Problems cannot be solved with the same mind that created them.
Albert Einstein
Magic happens beyond the logical mind. If you go within and connect to a place deep inside of you, you can create changes and #rewireyourbrain 
With the new field #neuroplasticity science has proven that our brains can change and evolve. With new experiences, real or imaginary, new neural pathways are created in the brain. The more often you walk the path of change the quicker new habits, thoughts and behaviours will be formed and engrained in our magical brain. This means we can teach your brain to react differently, for example to certain triggers. That’s why #hypnotherapy is so effective.

The important thing is to relax on a regular basis. This alone will bring more balance into your life. Stress and busyness put us into fight or flight mode, our survival instinct kicks in and often we can’t think straight or act in a way that is less than optimal. Only when we’re relaxed we can be creative. To create change and use neuroplasticity, we need to be deeply relaxed and visualise or imagine what we want to achieve. It can be anything from being more creative and motivated, feel more confident or stop feeling anxious, fearful or depressed.

Allow yourself to grow and move beyond your limitations. It always seems impossible until it’s done.
Contact me if you need any help or support or
I offer a free 15min chat.
Have a lovely day and thank you for reading my blog.
Sending you love and light.
Sandy x

Have you created your protective bubble yet?

Now that shops have opened and we can be out and about again, we need to energetically protect ourselves. We’re not used to being around lots of people anymore after a whole year of on-and-off lockdown. Some people might feel overwhelmed by the queues and the amount of people and noise everywhere. If we don’t protect ourselves, we can absorb the energy of others and end up feeling drained. 

So here is the tip of the day: visualise yourself being strong and balanced, like a tree and then create a protective energetic bubble or shield around you. Fill it with strength, calmness, patience, joy or whatever you need for the day and have it act as a layer of invisible protection around you. It’s amazing the difference this makes. I’ve noticed people keeping their distance automatically because of my bubble, I get more smiles and friendliness as this matches my own energy and angry or frustrated people seem to magically get out of my way or at least their energy doesn’t affect me and my day. It’s a wonderful tool to use.

If you’re unsure how to go about creating your inner balance energy and protective bubble, check out my guided morning meditation, which is on offer at the moment, only £5! It’s only on offer until Sunday, then it goes back up to £12. I recommend listening to it every morning before you leave the house or even still in bed. What a great way to start the day!

As I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m back and open for business! I’m finally allowed to see you personally again and I can’t wait to work and connect with you, when you’re ready. If you’re based in Brighton, I’m now only offering face-to-face sessions on Mondays and Tuesday and online anytime.

If you or a loved one could do with some support, feel free to get in touch. I also offer a free 15min phone consultationJust reply to this email and we’ll sort out a day and time that’s convenient for you or text me: 07951024580.
And as a BONUS, I’ll throw in a FREE DOWNLOAD worth up to £15 from my online shop, so that’s a free audio recording or a free tapping video. 

It is so important to take care of yourself and work on your
emotional balance and mental health, 
because it is your greatest asset 
and very much influences your physical health too! That’s what this new field Psychoneuroimmunology or simply the body-mind connection al all about.

Take care. Happy Tuesday vibes, love and light,

Sandy x

How to release pain

Pain is one of the worst experiences we can have. Did you know that our reaction to it can make it worse or better? Our emotions and expectations play a major role in the level of perceived pain and its duration. 3 years ago I was suffering from a trapped nerve and had a frozen shoulder, I could hardly move and was in a great deal of pain. As I had had this condition several times before I panicked as I knew what to expect. This expectation, panic and fear made it worse as I felt helpless, angry and in despair. Yet as a trained EFT practitioner, I then used EFT tapping to address all my fears and emotions around this condition and experienced a remarkable relief. I wrote about this on my blog 3 years ago, you can read more about it here.

difficult roads

Since then, I’m happy to say that the pain has not returned. While I used to get this at least twice a year before, it hasn’t happened at all in the last 3 years. One of the reasons may be that I’m now taking much better care of myself. I use EFT tapping regularly, I make sure I take time to relax and I listen to my body. When I notice the tensions in my shoulders worsening, I respond and honour my body, for example by taking the evening off, doing some tapping, visualising something positive or going for a massage. All symptoms in the body are just feedback. It’s important to befriend the body and work together to release any physical ailments. I now teach what I’ve learnt to others. I run weekly group sessionsand monthly workshops, such as my Time Out Tuesday group in Brighton or 1-2-1 sessions to help people release chronic pain and find inner peace.

I’ve come a long way in the last 3 years and I love sharing what I’ve learnt and helping others on their journey to find more balance in their lives. I’ve definitely managed to embrace my inner light and shine the darkness away

.your light